The walkways of Aveiro are one of the great natural wonders of the Ria de Aveiro and are part of a vast project of the Via Ecológica Ciclável. On this walk through the footbridges of Aveiro you can take the opportunity to exercise, observe the nature and flora of the estuary or simply for leisure. This can be done by bicycle or even on foot, always enjoying the best that nature has to offer along the entire route.

The Walkways of Aveiro were inaugurated in 2018 and have a distance of 7.5 km (15 km round trip). It starts on the São Roque Canal right in the city center and ends next to the Vouga River, in Vilarinho. Its route can also be shortened by ending at Cais da Ribeira de Esgueira, thus making it only 5 km (10 km round trip). Our walkways are currently an outstanding destination for all nature lovers who may visit the city of Aveiro.

Be sure to visit the walkways of Aveiro, which are a very pleasant attraction to do and where you can take the opportunity to relax your mind, be at peace with nature and have a feeling of freedom in this charming city of ours.

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