The term “Pateira” refers to the Vouga region and its tributaries, known for its abundance of ducks. The Pateira de Fermentelos is a natural lagoon located in the triangle of the councils of Águeda, Aveiro and Oliveira do Bairro, before the confluence of the river Cértima with the river Águeda.

The origin of this pateira was due to successive floods at the end of the 15th century. It is currently considered the largest natural lagoon on the Iberian Peninsula, with a surface area and depth that vary according to the season of the year, in which its maximum exponent reaches 5Km2.

Take advantage of all this natural space and enjoy what the Pateira has to offer, as it is an area very rich in fauna, flora and aquatic species, also including several species of birds such as whitetails, shorts, kingfishers and various types of ducks.

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